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New State Assessment Replaces TAKS in 2011

The Texas Education Agency has officially announced the replacement for the TAKS test called the State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness or STAAR. STAAR will replace the Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills, or TAKS, which has been in place since 2003.The STAAR will be used to meet mandates passed in the 2009 legislative session. The new tests will be used beginning in the 2011-12 school year. Students currently in seventh grade will be the first students who must meet the STAAR end-of-course testing requirements, as well as pass their classes, in order to earn a diploma.

The STAAR test is one of many tests that have been used to evaluate student performance in Texas.  The first test was called the TABS test and was introduced in 1979.  Students didn’t have to pass the TABS to graduate but every test thereafter included a “diploma denial” component. 

1980-85 1986-90 1990-2002 2003-2010 2011-12

Texas Assessment of Basic Skills


Texas Assessment of Minimum Skills


Texas Assessment of Academic Skills


Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills


State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness 

 According to most reports the STAAR will be more difficult than the TAKS test.  Click here for the official announcement from TEA. 


The great news is that FISD has been preparing for this!  The development of a guaranteed and viable curriculum and instructional strategies such as the Dana Center professional teaching model and Guided Reading are increasing our student’s likelihood of success.  Granted that we still need to close those gaps with special education and economically disadvantaged students but we have a plan that is working as evidenced by our recent TAKS scores.  I feel very blessed to have such great teachers and administrators working so hard to make a difference in the academic success of our students!  Thanks for your hard work.  Bring on the STAAR test!